Merge Math delivers immersive storytelling straight to the classroom!
(Hover over the pictures below to see how it works)
(Hover over the pictures below to see how it works)
First, characters recruit students for a mission within the story
Then, students collaborate with
characters to complete mission objectives |
Students' successful missions result in progress for the characters
What is Merge?
Merge Programs use our Immersive Storytelling Teaching Methodology to teach elementary students standards-based mathematics. Our hands-on activities require students to apply mathematical and scientific reasoning to complete tasks that help characters succeed within the story. To create this immersive teaching environment, students interact with original multimedia that is delivered via Submerge's online story portal and as physical props inside a kit that is sent to the classroom. Each unit of Merge is aligned with the appropriate Next Generation English Language Arts and Mathematics Learning Standards, and can be used as the classroom curriculum or to provide enrichment that supplements curricula already in place.
A plot twist?! Fiona prepares the students for the next mission!
Funny videos are used to create authenticity & maintain engagement
What teachers are saying about Merge